Some Time On Earth (Or Something Like Earth)

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

First Lady standup inadvertently admits GWB is a screwup leader

No cool fonts or colors to twist your eyes while melting your heads today, kiddies.
Chew on this:
Conservative gag writer Landon Parvin's routine for Laura Bush at the White House Correspondents Association Dinner, disguised as a good natured ribbing at her husband's expense, was actually more telling of her husband's disastrous leadership style, exemplified by his performance at Harken Oil, his turn at the Texas governship and his Presidential administration. A coded telegraph, as it were, dressed up as First Lady Makeover Op, but a telling and damning indictment of his performance.
Links below of's surfergirl Dana Stevens opinion and coverage and also a transcript of entire Laura Bush routine from USA Today are below:


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